All 9 of the Separatists variants are useful, but this guide will only focus on my top 5. First, let’s talk commanders.
Mar Tuuk
The other Separatist commanders all have their place in specific fleets, but Tuuk is the simplest and most versatile. Separatists ships mostly want to shoot a lot of red dice at long range. Tuuk fits into that plan without any adjustments or specific upgrades. His card text can be a little confusing. Read it as follows:
- If the defending hull zone has shields, then add 1 red die
- If the defending hull zone has no shields, then there’s no effect
- If the the defending ship has no shields, then choose and cancel a die after you roll
Providence Carrier
I prefer the Carrier vs the Dreadnaught because it comes with a native Defensive Retrofit and Fleet Command. Unlike most CIS ships, this guy really wants to get rammed right up into the action. Set yourself up with a double arc, sit in your opponent’s ship’s single arc, and block your opponent’s escape route. With a native speed 3, you can spring this trap from a surprising distance. And with Mar Tuuk and Salvo, you’re tossing a lot of big chunky dice pools. Also
- Dial Turn 1 – Navigate to bank the token
- Turn 2 – Navigate to set up that double arc
- Turns 3-6 – Engineering because it’s a knife-fighter and also expensive.
Defensive Retrofit – Either Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) or Thermal Shields. Neither one is particularly beginner friendly, because ECM requires tokens and Thermals requires you to remember to use it -before- your opponent rolls. Also, remember Thermals happens before effects that add dice to the pool, such as Con Fire Dials or Admiral Ackbar.
Ion Cannons – Point Defense Ion Cannons (PDIC) is the default. The hard part is remembering to use it.
Fleet Command – Intensify Firepower! (IF!) is probably the best card in the game. For 6pts and some tokens, you get fleet wide dice correction. Not rerolls, but guaranteed hits. And in a game centered around strategic planning and the roll of the dice, guaranteed hits are super advantageous. I’m a little hesitant including it in a beginner’s guide, because you do have to remember to feed it Con Fire tokens.
Recusant Light Destroyer
I prefer the Light Destroyer vs the Support Destroyer because it’s cheaper. (The Support Destroyer is better if you’re going to use it as a carrier.) Don’t let the wide arc fool you. This isn’t a Star Destroyer that wants to be flown straight at the opponent. Recusants are flankers. Dial them up to speed 3, give them plenty of Nav command, and circle your opponent. The scary thing about these ships, is your opponent really can’t arc dodge them — meaning to avoid the most dangerous arc. And with Patriot’s Fist, the ship doesn’t particularly care what range you’re at either. But be careful, they are glass cannons.
- Dials Turn 1-6 – Navigate. Navigation is your best offense and defense. Stay on target and avoid those dangerous arcs and ranges. The extra click tends to be at the first joint.
Title – Patriot’s Fist is glued to these things. There’s not much to say about it, other than getting to add two additional blue dice to an already impressive dice pool is powerful.
Officer – Tikkes is a confusing card. But if you promise to only dial up Navigate Commands with your Recusant, then he just becomes ‘gain a token of your choice.’
Munificent Comms Frigate
I really don’t like this ship, but I’m probably the only one, so I’m including it anyway. My only complaint is that it’s a speed 2 ship. And 70 pts is a lot for a ship that can’t disengage. Yes, you can pay 8 more points for Engine Techs, but at 78 points, why not just bring another Recuscant? In any case, I prefer the Comms Frigate vs Star Frigate because it’s cheaper.
- Dial Turn 1 – Bank a Navigate token
- Turns 2-6 – Con Fires or Squadrons.
Turbolaser – Linked Turbolaser Towers (LTT). You can staple this card to the Munificent. It synergies well with not only all the red anti-ship dice, but also with the red anti-squad die. From a foot away, you can throw 3 dice at a squad. That’s pretty mean. A Muni with only LTT is a common sight.
Ion Cannon – Point Defense Ion Cannons (PDIC) again and for the same reasons as above. But more optional because it’s a cheaper ship and thus less deserving of defense.
Hardcell Transport
I prefer the Transport vs the Battle Refit because it has the Fleet-Support slot and is 5 pts cheaper. It’s my favorite ship because it’s dirt cheap and tough as nails. It always takes one more hit than you think. That’s because it’s got an Evade, Brace, and Redirect, along with 3 front shields and a 5 hull. I use them to block the target in and keep it from escaping. The Hardcells take turns throwing 5 dice (3 + 1 Con Fire + 1 Mar Tuuk) and then ramming for 1 more. That’s a lot of damage to ignore, so your opponent has to begrudgingly kill them. But they’re not worth anything. My favorite is when my Hardcell survives on 1 hull, and my opponent is forced to shoot it with his flagship, ie Onager or Star Destroyer, just so he can escape. Speaking of escaping, Hardcells are pretty good at that too. With a Nav Command, you can dial up a 90 degree turn and get out of there.
- Dial Turn 1 – Bank a Navigate token
- Dials Turn 2-6 – Navigates if you need to get in position or escape. Con Fires once you’re in range. Squadrons if you’re about that life.
None – No upgrades are a perfectly acceptable build for Hardcell Transports. Keep them cheap and expendable.
Fleet Support – Munition Resupply is ideal for fueling the aforementioned Intensify Firepower!. People like Comms Net, but I don’t like how it takes up a command dial. I want my Hardcells to be Con Firing or Navigating.
Hardcell Battle Refit
Similar strategy to above. These become more valuable if you’re not running a Providence with IF!, because the dice correction from LTT becomes more important, and the Fleet-Support slot becomes less important.
Turbolaser – Linked Turbolaser Turrets (LTT). Staple them on. Not only does it help all those red dice, but it makes your flak super mean.
I think Separatists squadrons are in a tough spot right now. If you want to try flying 134 points of CIS squads, then my hat goes off to you, but I’m not sure I can be of much help. I think it’s easier to fly with a light screen of 4 squads (Tri-Fighters or Vultures) or none at all.
- Beginner’s Resources for Star War Armada
- New Player’s Guide to Objectives
- New Player’s Guide to Rebel Ships
- Beginner’s Guide to Using SPHA-Ts
- Once You Go Black (anti-ship dice) You Never Go Back
- Guide to Growing your Local Star Wars Armada Community
- Beginner’s Guide to the Separatists
- New Rebel Player’s Buyer’s Guide