Beginner’s Guide to Using SPHA-Ts

SPHA-T — or Splats as I like to call them— are a little tricky. But don’t worry, they’re easy once you get the hang of it. First though, let’s cover some fundamentals that are needed to understand how to use SPHA-Ts:

Game Round:
  1. Command Phase – Set dials

  2. Ship Phase – Players take turns activating ships

  3. Squadron Phase – Players take turns activating squadrons

  4. Status Phase – Ready defense tokens and upgrade cards

Activating a Ship
  1. Reveal Dial – Choose whether to spend it as a dial or save it as a command token

  2. Engineering and/or Squadrons

  3. Attack

  4. Move

Ok, with that in mind, let’s dive into how SPHA-T works.

  1. After moving, if SPHA-T is ready, you may exhaust SPHA-T and place your ignition token within your Venator’s front OR side arc within Close Range. (Within is a specific keyword that means the entire token must be within Close Range.)

  2. During the Status Phase, you may spend a Con Fire token to ready your SPHA-T card.

  3. Next time your Venator activates, you must make an ignition attack if you have one.

  4. You must remove the ignition token

  5. Move

(Return to Step 1)

Reminder: Ignition attacks cannot be Salvoed.

Reminder: Ignition tokens are only used for determining Range for gathering dice. You still need to determine range via cardboard to cardboard for other effects like what the defense tokens do. And you still use your firing arcs to make sure the attack is in arc, and the yellow dots to determine if the shot is obstructed/possible.

