Beginner’s Resources for Star War Armada

My goal is to curate a list of resources for new players without it becoming overwhelming.

1. MOTF’s Captain’s Clinic

All of the Captain’s Clinic videos are worth watching, but I would recommend these two in particular to a new player.

2. I Have You Now

Probably the biggest improvement any new player can make would be to only play the ships and upgrades that Green Knight has rated B or higher.

3. Rules Reference Manual

Download this manual and reference it whenever you have a question. Highlight the parts that surprise you. Ask specific questions about parts you don’t understand.

4. Official Print & Play

AMG released Rapid Reinforcements I. You can print these and play them for free.

5. Ryan Kingston’s Fleet Builder

Donate $5-10 to set up an account which will let you save fleets. It’s worth much more than that.

6. Shmitty

It’s a shame Shmitty isn’t still making videos, because these videos are super helpful.

7. Angry Ewok

Thankfully, Angry Ewok is still making strategy videos. It was hard recommending just a few. The one I’ve entitled “Killzones” is actually a Battle Report, but it’s a look into how Angry Ewok predicts kill boxes and routes.

8. Ion Radio

Ion Radio make my favorite battle reports on Youtube — with respect due to MOTF or Downsizeit. Choose a commander / fleet matchup that interests you and dive in.

9. Cannot Get Your Ship Out

This blog is so comprehensive that I think it can be overwhelming for a new player. Don’t think that you have to read the blog start to finish like a book. I recommend bouncing around and reading the articles that interest you.

10. Wild_Space

And here’s a shameless plug of my own beginner’s guides.