
This personal blog is a collection of my thoughts, opinions and general philosophies. It does not pertain to your particular financial situation. The use of the word “you” is to obtain an easy to understand, conversational tone. There is no guarantee that the information provided is accurate or complete. I am in no way compensated for my opinions.

I am not a financial professional nor do I hold any licenses. Many of my opinions directly contradict theories that are taught in business schools across the country. There is no guarantee that strategies discussed will result in profits. Stocks can easily lose value. Read on at your own risk.

Posts are written with the absolute beginner in mind, but more advanced readers may appreciate some of my more contrarian positions against modern finance.

Written in 2015

1. Warning
2. Emergency Fund
3. Credit Card Debt
4. Employer Matched Retirement Funds
5. Other Debt
6. Time Horizon
7. Index Funds
Podcast: Investing 100